ARDR, BETA, LOOM, POWR — The Bullish Brigade: Top Tokens to Watch This Week

Good day to all the crypto enthusiasts out there! It’s always an exciting journey in the world of digital currency, and today, I’ll be shedding some light on a few tokens that have been flashing some particularly bullish signals lately. Grab your notebooks because these might be the ones to keep a keen eye on.

Check out our data platform to get all token details of the ones below and 200 other crypto tokens! Open the app!

ARDR (Ardor)

The Ardor platform has showcased a commendable momentum recently. Although it’s had a year-long dip of about 30%, the 7-day surge is promising. Couple that with the MACD signaling bullish, and we might have a strong contender in the making.

  • Last Price: $0.0693
  • 7-Day Change: 7.78%
  • 1-Year Change: -30.35%
  • RSI: Neutral
  • MACD: Bullish
  • Trend Indicators: Uptrend across the board, whether we’re discussing EMA or SMA.


BETA has been showing positive signs lately. Despite the year-long decrease, the recent surge and its consistently bullish indicators make it a token worth considering. It’s also worth noting the strong momentum showing up in the technicals.

  • Last Price: $0.08061
  • 7-Day Change: 8.58%
  • 1-Year Change: -13.91%
  • RSI: Neutral
  • MACD: Bullish
  • Trend Indicators: Everything in the uptrend territory.

LOOM (Loom Network)

We’ve touched on LOOM before, which continues to stand out. An impressive weekly rise and overall positive indicators make LOOM one to watch, though its overbought status should be cautiously observed.

  • Last Price: $0.07447
  • 7-Day Change: A staggering 61.30%
  • 1-Year Change: 10.69%
  • RSI: Overbought
  • MACD: Bullish
  • Trend Indicators: Uptrend is the word.

POWR (Power Ledger)

Power Ledger, a project focused on peer-to-peer energy trading, is another token that’s been on the radar recently. Despite its yearly drop, the 7-day increase and the bullish MACD indication cannot be ignored.

  • Last Price: $0.1491
  • 7-Day Change: 12.44%
  • 1-Year Change: -20.99%
  • RSI: Neutral
  • MACD: Bullish
  • Trend Indicators: Uptrend across all metrics.

Final Thoughts

The crypto landscape is ever-evolving, with constant ebb and flow. While these tokens showcase bullish promise, always conduct personal research and keep updated with market news. The world of crypto is as unpredictable as it is rewarding. Always trade safely!

Stay curious, and happy investing!

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