Daily Trading Snapshot – August 18, 2023: Cashing in on the Dip

Hello crypto traders,

August 18, 2023, was a banner day in the crypto realm, with coins like IOST, LTC, and ZIL making waves. Amidst the thrilling ups and downs, our Crypto Trading Bot stood resilient. But here’s the twist: our PulseCheck feature played a pivotal role. Validating trades across multiple indicators, PulseCheck’s Level 30 didn’t just prevent potential pitfalls; it supercharged our profits. While we could have settled with a commendable +60.2%, with PulseCheck, we soared to a whopping +90.89%.

Overall Bot Performance – August 18, 2023

  • Total Profit: +90.89%
  • Number of Trades: 48
  • PulseCheck Level: 30
  • Additional PulseCheck Profit: +30.69%

Today’s crypto narrative tells tales of strategy, foresight, and seizing the right moments. Take IOST, for instance; it not only led the charge but also showcased what’s possible when you’ve got the right tools by your side.

Top Trades

IOST (1D Timeframe)

IOST wasn’t messing around! It took a short direction, and within a 33:42-minute window, racked up a massive 12.68% profit. If this is any indicator, IOST might just be warming up.

  • Direction: Short
  • Entry: $0.00794
  • Duration: 33:42
  • Profit: 12.68%

LTC (1D Timeframe)

LTC, one of the OGs of the crypto world, didn’t disappoint. A short trade and a 0:52-minute hustle resulted in a smooth 12.24% profit. Stay tuned; LTC might have more up its sleeve.

  • Direction: Short
  • Entry: $75.33
  • Duration: 0:52
  • Profit: 12.24%

ZIL (1D Timeframe)

ZIL jumped into the fray, taking a short stance. Within 33:44 minutes, it bagged an 11.96% profit. If today’s any sign, ZIL’s set for some exciting times ahead.

  • Direction: Short
  • Entry: $0.0184
  • Duration: 33:44
  • Profit: 11.96%

Best Performing Coins

IOST with a 16.3% increase across 2 trades was the day’s superstar. Closely following was LTC with a 12.24% profit in just one trade, and ZIL, making its presence felt with an 11.96% rise from a single trade. These coins aren’t just numbers; they’re a testament to where the market’s heartbeat lies.

  • IOST: 16.3% (2 trades)
  • LTC: 12.24% (1 trade)
  • ZIL: 11.96% (1 trade)

Trade confidently with CryptoKnowledge

If you’re in the crypto game, you know it’s more than just numbers. It’s about vision, hustle, and the grind. Want the play-by-play? Dive into the CryptoKnowledge Platform.

Set up your Crypto Trading Bot today to not just be in the game but dominating it. Cash in today on the trades, that we will breakdown tomorrow! What are you waiting for? Dive deep, play hard, and always stay one step ahead.

Keep grinding, stay hungry, and remember – the game’s always on! 🚀

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