Crypto Volume Surge and Decline: A Detailed Analysis

Trading volume is a critical indicator of the liquidity and activity around a cryptocurrency. A spike in volume often precedes price action, while a decline might indicate reduced interest or trading activity. Let’s dive into yesterday’s top volume gainers and losers.

Top 10 Volume Gainers

Symbol Latest Price PCT Volume Change
ATM $2.65 596.96%
ICX $0.238 427.81%
ENJ $0.313 275.87%
RLC $1.23 269.77%
UNI N/A 240.97%
NBT $0.0027 240.72%
AST $0.110 232.14%
LINK $7.27 211.84%
LUNA $0.637 184.54%
POLY $0.270 177.41%

Volume Gainers Highlights

ATM Leads the Pack

ATMChain (ATM) took the top spot in volume gainers, with a staggering 596.96% surge in trading activity. Despite its recent quiet, it seems traders are rushing back to ATM, which could signal potential price action.

ICX Catches Eye

Following ATM, ICON’s ICX also saw a tremendous increase in volume, up by 427.81%. This could indicate growing interest in the project and might suggest that ICX is under consideration by a broader pool of investors.

ENJ and RLC Join the Bull Run

Enjin Coin (ENJ) and iExec RLC (RLC) weren’t far behind, with volume increases of 275.87% and 269.77%, respectively. Such activity could suggest a rise in the popularity of gaming cryptocurrencies (ENJ) and decentralized cloud computing services (RLC).

Other Notable Gainers

Uniswap (UNI), NuBits (NBT), AirSwap (AST), Chainlink (LINK), Terra (LUNA), and Polymath (POLY) also made the list with significant volume increases. UNI, NBT, AST, LINK, LUNA, and POLY saw volume increases of 240.97%, 240.72%, 232.14%, 211.84%, 184.54%, and 177.41%, respectively.

Top 10 Crypto Volume Losers

Symbol Latest Price PCT Volume Change
ELF $0.282 -87.72%
LSK $0.852 -75.84%
ADX $0.147 -58.82%
LOOM $0.047 -57.69%
XLM $0.126 -57.56%
WAVES $1.97 -54.41%
VIB $0.050 -54.17%
STORJ $0.306 -53.62%
DCR $14.68 -46.22%
NPXS $0.0070 -44.13%

Crypto Losers Highlights

ELF Leads the Downward Trend

In the list of volume losers, aelf (ELF) took the first spot, with an 87.72% decline. This reduction in volume might point to traders taking a step back from ELF, potentially waiting for a more favorable trading environment.

LSK Takes a Hit

Following ELF, Lisk (LSK) experienced a 75.84% decrease in trading volume. As a blockchain application platform, Lisk has seen its ups and downs, and this decrease could be attributed to market cycles or shifts in investor focus.

ADX and LOOM in the Red

AdEx (ADX) and Loom Network (LOOM) also saw a substantial drop in volume, by 58.82% and 57.69%, respectively. Both projects might need to reassess their visibility in the current market and strategize to reinvigorate investor interest.

Other Notable Losers

Stellar (XLM), Waves (WAVES), Viberate (VIB), Storj (STORJ), Decred (DCR), and Pundi X (NPXS) also witnessed a decline in trading volumes. XLM, WAVES, VIB, STORJ, DCR, and NPXS volumes dropped by 57.56%, 54.41%, 54.17%, 53.62%, 46.22%, and 44.13%, respectively.

Wrapping Up

As with price movements, trading volume changes in the cryptocurrency market can be sudden and dramatic. They serve as vital signals for traders looking for confirmation of a trend or seeking the next big opportunity. However, as always, combining volume analysis with other technical indicators is crucial for a comprehensive trading strategy. Stay tuned for more updates on the dynamic world of crypto.

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