Crypto Trading Bot Report – August 21, 2023: PulseCheck Saving The Day Again!

Hey crypto traders,

Another day in the crypto realm, and while it might’ve seemed quiet with only five trades, our Crypto Trading Bot made sure every move counted. Today’s performance, clocking in at a solid +2.98% profit, might not sound like much at first. But let’s put things into perspective: without our PulseCheck feature, we would’ve been staring at a -31.44% loss! That’s right – our bot’s judicious use of PulseCheck at level 10 not only saved the day but turned it around by optimizing our profit by +34.42%.

Overall Bot Performance – 21 August 2023

  • Total Profit: +2.98%
  • Number of Trades: 5
  • PulseCheck Level: 10
  • Additional PulseCheck Profit: +34.42%

Top Trades

  • FIL (1H Timeframe)
    FIL took a short stance and, with the MACD as its guide, secured a win in just under 30 minutes, resulting in a 1.18% increase.
    • Entry: $3.57
    • Duration: 29:09
    • Profit: 1.18%
  • DGB (1H Timeframe)
    DGB wasn’t far behind, taking a short position and raking in a 1.16% profit in just over half an hour.
    • Entry: $0.0069
    • Duration: 31:19
    • Profit: 1.16%
  • XEM (1H Timeframe)
    XEM showcased its strength by bagging a 1.08% profit in just under 30 minutes. Keep an eye on this one!
    • Entry: $0.02531
    • Duration: 27:03
    • Profit: 1.08%

The crypto game is ever-evolving, and every percentage point matters. Dive into the intricate details on our CryptoKnowledge Platform.

Trade confidently with CryptoKnowledge

The world of crypto trading is a wild ride, and our Crypto Trading Bot is here to guide you through the ups and downs. With features like PulseCheck, we ensure you’re always getting the best possible trades. So why wait? Dive in now and let our bot do the hard work for you.

Stay sharp, trade smart, and let’s rock this crypto world! 🌍🚀

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